Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow's on the way I'm stoked.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Uh, well, yeah?

I guess a background would be in need, right? Well, I'm Cody, or technically Codylee Andrew Riedmann. A little about me:
-I'm from Iowa
-I doubt many will read this.
-I've got a good head on my shoulder.
-I'm graduating as a Junior this year.
-I'm a sports fan, with baseball probably as my favorite.. I love the numbers in it. Sabermetrics are sexy to me.
-I have no plans for college right now.
-I'm taking a year off school to do nothing, and I'll enjoy it.

Finally, it's all come down that I have no clue about what to do with my life. So.. I'm taking a year off school to among other things, find myself.

Uh yeah. I'll probably update once a day or so...
(oh yeah, and I like ellipsis)